
The Lotus Path

Transformational Guidance

Ann Jonas

aka The Love Messenger

Ann Jonas

aka The Love Messenger

is passionate about guiding and supporting those that desire to become more of who they truly are. She honors and recognizes that there is a transformational journey of remembering that we are a Spiritual Being having a Human experience.

Ann is familiar with walking along The Lotus Path and is honored to witness others step into their greatest Self.

This life journey is solo yet it's not meant to be traveled alone and as transformation offers...No Mud, No Lotus.

Connection Conversations

This life journey is, at times, a confusing and vulnerable process. The experience of going within and having the support of another, as witness and guide, is what many seek in their desire to have clarity.

Are you looking for a path to learn more about yourself, or how to be an active participant in a healing journey?

Maybe you are seeking to discover what your spiritual path is, or what your relationship with God might feel like.

Perhaps you desire to uncover how to help others, you are seeking the clarity for you to be able to offer your message.

Let's connect and play with those questions to see if I am the right match for you. Set yourself up with a free 30-minute connection conversation, to explore what is offered along The Lotus Path, from individual, to group to pre-recorded offerings. We will connect on zoom, or over the phone, to see if we are a good energetic fit.

Connection Conversation

Sacred Connection

Life as a journey is a path. When I found myself at a point, not connecting with what my life was appearing as, I literally looked up and asked for guidance. What I received opened me toward an expression that I could not have imagined.

It began as a 9-week collaborative, experiential webinar, in the Fall of 2022. I offered a container, for those along the Spiritual Seeking path, where we navigate themes, guiding us to deepening our relationship with how we connect to Self and the Divine. Each week is co-hosted and we journey through a "podcast style" discussion, followed by an "experience" and the opportunity for sharing and active participation. All of this and we are also building light-minded community.

Over the last 2 years, the Sacred Connection 9-week webinar has continued to be a regular offering and it has also evolved and expanded into a community membership, an anthology and an upcoming podcast. Round 10 begins again: April 10th ~ June 5th

Join the Webinar

Join the Community

Transformational Guidance

Is a unique path for each person and I am passionate about curating each client’s experience, like my own, as sacred and individual. The Lotus Path is made out of your own life and gifts, that are calling to come forth.

Have you ever found yourself existing in ways that didn’t feel serving or aligned for who you desire to be? Are you feeling ready for the next version of you to come into being?

I am here to take the journey, to hold a space of birthing oneself into the next expression, that is calling for attention. I have stepped into the path of re-birthing myself, at many points along this unfolding path.

Transformational Guidance, is an intuitively guided and curated session that may include the use of modalities such as: bodywork and various forms of energy work, essential oils, channeled guidance, and supportive conversation, along with "love and light language".

Transformation Starts Here

Love Light Chats

Please join me and this growing community. I am honored to be offering this space and curating a journey that allows and supports us all to live in our highest Vibration, which is Love!

Join the Love Light Chats

Regular Reflections

An opportunity for a deep dive, along the Spiritual Seeking path, with a previous or current Sacred Connection co-host. These are live, community invited sessions that are scheduled for the fourth Saturday of every month. 

Join Regular Reflections

 Intuitive Body Work

As a Certified Massage Technician, I have over 500 hours of training in various modalities with more than 25 years of experience in private practice.

The relaxing, therapeutic, healing, Intuitive Bodywork that I offer, is an eclectic mix that includes:

A Swedish style, oil-based massage that will also involve the modalities of various forms of Energy Healing - Reiki - Polarity - Cranio Sacral - Reflexology - Stretching and Movement - Breath Work - Visualization - Prenatal Massage - Postpartum Massage - Essential Oils

Healing Starts Here

Upcoming Events

You will find multiple ways to get connected with and my community:

From local, in-person, vendor events to virtual, once a month Wellness Wednesdays, as well as seasonal shift ceremonies and retreats, and  of course the current and upcoming Sacred Connection rounds and Love Light Chats,

This is where you will discover how to find and get connected with me, in group spaces or public forums.


Check them out

Stay Connected!!!

Register below for the monthly Newsletter! The newsletter includes inspirational guidance, upcoming events, workshops, retreats and special announcements. Join today!


The Spiritual Journey is highly personal.


We are all learning to listen to our own TRUTH.


Welcome. Please sign up to receive my about monthly offerings of Portal Energy Perspective Guidance. As a gift you will receive the pdf e-book of my chapter titled, "Love is Everything!" and a collection of my favorite, inspirational quotes.

          “Be kind to yourself and watch your external world change.”

          — Anita Moorjani  

          This life journey is, at times, a confusing and vulnerable process. The experience of going within and having the support of another, as witness and guide, is what many seek in their desire to have clarity.

           Are you looking for a path to learn more about yourself, or how to be an active participant in a healing journey?

           Maybe you are seeking to discover what your spiritual path is, or what your relationship with God might feel like.

           Perhaps you desire to uncover how to help others, but you are not clear on  what lane to get in, for you to be able to offer your message.

          Let's connect and play with those questions to see if I am the right match for you. Set yourself up with a free 30-minute connection conversation, to explore what is offered along The Lotus Path. We will connect on zoom, or over the phone, to see if we are a good energetic fit.

          Ann knows the beautiful mess that this life is while we are coming home to connection and presence with Self. She creates and holds space, in a safe container.


          Schedule a Complementary Connection
          “My desire is to support soul/human beings in the unveiling of the higher self and allowing spirit to bring abundant happiness and love.”

          — Ann Jonas

          No mud, no Lotus

          Perspective Guidance

          In Connection

          5 to Thrive

          How Are You Falling?


          From Colleen, 71:


          “There's something special about the way that Ann communicates that really resonated with me. I appreciated her frank and thoughtful answers to my comments and I felt safe in her presence.

          She helped me to recognize a barrier in my life and move on to bigger and better things. I am excited about going forward in my life as an instrument for good. I will first work on loving and appreciating who I am and rediscovering my soul's purpose for this life.”

          From Randy:


          “You always amaze me with your writings and insight.

          You somehow are so spiritual and grounded,

          in a world filled with angst and chaos,

          I wish more people could feel your tranquility.”

          From Erica:


          “Ann has a way of calming the noise to make space for one to be whole with themselves.

          She truly guides you through, with such trust, comfort and openness that I always felt safe and in good hands so that I could rest in peace and fully absorb the entire experience.

          Ann has a knack for connecting with each person individually and meets them where they are.”


          8:30 am - 4:00 pm MT Monday to Friday

          10:00 am - 12:00 pm MT Saturday

          “Love is Everything!”

          Ann Jonas, Transformational Guidance

          The Lotus Path • Idaho

          ann@thelotuspath.love • 415.312.6416